Blue Moon Countdown

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Day 3- Good Day - Bad Day- Fking Crap Day.

Well i guess i should start at the beggining,
I woke up this morning haven overslept by about 30mins not too much of a problem, felt cold and mouth not good.Got dressed thankfully i had ironed a shirt last night, oicked up a tetra and a shake for ay work and off i went.About half way to work (15 mins walk about 800 steps) i realised i had left both my work mobile and my own personal mobile at home. in mind i thought about going and getting them but convinced myself that i wouldnt need either (how wrong i was).
Now some background as a Train Guard my job is what they call Safty Critaical along with Airline Pilots, Train Drivers etc.If I make a mistake someome could potentially be seriously hurt or killed.
Well today i had a saftey related incident at work, entirly my fault, luckily no one was every put in a position of danger what so ever, However as a saftey incident i have to report it (grass myself up), of course no phone to ring anyone........Fortuantley another guard was on the train so i was able to use his phone, As a result of this have been med screened (alcohol and drugs, Breathaliser and pee in a bottle) .
Untill the results come in im not allowed to work any trains and there will be an internal investigation, and possibly disoplinary action to follow.
How am i feeling well not good since i got up this morning everytime i have had to have a pee its hurt, i feel bloated and fat, worried about work, and disgusted with myself.
I gave in to food...........
To be precise i cave in to two Jumbo sausages from the chippy on the way home.
Im going to admit on here that im sat in tears as i type this, ifeel tottaly ashamed of myself and i feel i have not only let myself down but i have let down my friends on here as well.

This Is MY Low Point


1 comment:

The Dieter said...

Keep your chin up mate! I hope all works out well at work.
Put todays problems behind you and move forward, dont think "sod it" just pick yourself up and start again, drink plenty of water and you will be back in ketosis in a flash
If you need to chat just email me
Best Wishes