Blue Moon Countdown

Saturday, 19 May 2007

Day 8 And 9 - I have Been Good Honest

Well its been a few days since The Chicken Incident and i have been busy with work or sleeping so thought it was time for a catch up in general.
I have been good honest have just been having my 4 packs a aday, i havnt been very good on the water front or in very good at spacing my packs, i blame this on having to get up at 3am to go to work.
At time of writing its been 5 hours since i had my last pack a very horrible lumpy stawberry shake i cant find my shaker i had it yesterday i thought i had left it at work but wasnt and i cant find at home.
Woke up this morning to find trixie one of my cats had brought in yet another bird this time a full grown pigeon that was nearly as big as her no idea how she got it through the cat flap.
Just what i wanted at 3am.
I have found over the last few days i have been very tired and ache all over this may have somrthing to do with the early start but its taking me 40 minutes to walk home and it normally only takes 30.

As always thanks for reading.

1 comment:

xdorset daisyx said...

diets are bad enough when you working normals hours so must be even harder for you. I wish i had half of your will power lol