Blue Moon Countdown

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

22 May 2007

Well its been another good day on the diet front had a tetra at 6am at work and and a banana shake about 11 water is going down slowly, a few more people at work telling me how bad this type of diet is and how i will put the weight straight back on, yes whatever...............
Also another couple of people including my manager asking how its going and he even said it looked like i had lost some weight. Most likly because i have.

Had to sit around at work for a few hours so was a bit stressed smelling people cooking bacon and sausage butties and munching on chocolate, (tummy rumble time) but yet again i resisted temptation.

I have come to the conclusion that the chicken i had about 4 days ago did throw me out of ketosis and i have only just got back today, im cold and had a mouth like a sewer today.

Im really looking forward to going up to see my kids, i was so intent that i was going to have what i want to eat on Saturday then get back on the add a meal wagon after, i beginning to have second thoughts, its taken me nearly a week to get back to kettosis.............

Is one Kentucky really worth it ?



. said...

No, the KFC isn't worth it. It'll be gone in no time, feel greasy and then you'll suffer for days - plus your weight loss won't be as good.

Stick with the diet and the weight will soon be all gone ... then when it's all over you can have your kfc (every now and then).

You're doing really well.


xdorset daisyx said...

Its over and done with now and you cant go back and change the fact that you shouldnt of had the KFC but you still doing really well.
Have fun with the kids at the weekend .

Meneither said...

I havnt had a kfc, was so looking forward to having one with the kids on saturday but im going to have rabbit food instead, YUK