Blue Moon Countdown

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

14 May 2007 Day 4

Day 4
Jumped on the scales and weighed myself as I was unable to make weigh in due to work, very happy to see im 17st 0lb whooo hooo cant remeber last time i weighed this much (little),
in short i have lost 11lb on Cambridge even with having to take a week off.

As im running out of packs am having to stratt using the flavours i dont really like, fruits of the forest ok, cappachinno vile and toffee and walnut anyone got a bucket.

Have been struggling with my water intake have just about drunk 3 litres, and i have been feeling very cold, tell tale signs of entering ketosis which is good from the point of the diet.

Work was ok a long shift fortunatley two days off tuesday and wednesday.


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