Blue Moon Countdown

Monday, 30 April 2007

Day Two - 30th April

Well day two is here and I have just my Soup for the day 1 shake still to have.
I was up at 5am for work, i had trouble sleeping last night, and felt fairly cold surly not in ketossis already. Woke up this morning with yukky mouth, think this was due to the fact i still have two holes in my gums, where i had the two teeth out last week. I was very good i packed two shakes to take to work along with my shaker, i only managed to have the one shake at work why do things always go wrong on mondays, still i managed to make it through work, and rushed home to get to the barbers. only to find they are shut on Mondays, will try again tommorow. Can finally get my hair cut as i recieved a letter from the what not to wear team saying i hadnt been chosen. Anyway got home and had my second shake Vanilla which I Had hot with a spoon of Coffee in, Have drunk loads of water and peed lots, lucky the trains i work on have toilets. About 5.30 i went to see my CDC at the weight clinic she does on monday, I have picked up my second weeks supplies including some Chocolate Tetra packs, Whilst i was there I had my photo taken which is up on the right its my hope that over the weeks i will be able to take a photo so can see my weight loss week by week.

Im really looking forward to next monday when i go for my first proper weigh in and seeing how much i have lost.

Thanks for reading

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