Blue Moon Countdown

Monday, 30 April 2007

Day Two - 30th April

Well day two is here and I have just my Soup for the day 1 shake still to have.
I was up at 5am for work, i had trouble sleeping last night, and felt fairly cold surly not in ketossis already. Woke up this morning with yukky mouth, think this was due to the fact i still have two holes in my gums, where i had the two teeth out last week. I was very good i packed two shakes to take to work along with my shaker, i only managed to have the one shake at work why do things always go wrong on mondays, still i managed to make it through work, and rushed home to get to the barbers. only to find they are shut on Mondays, will try again tommorow. Can finally get my hair cut as i recieved a letter from the what not to wear team saying i hadnt been chosen. Anyway got home and had my second shake Vanilla which I Had hot with a spoon of Coffee in, Have drunk loads of water and peed lots, lucky the trains i work on have toilets. About 5.30 i went to see my CDC at the weight clinic she does on monday, I have picked up my second weeks supplies including some Chocolate Tetra packs, Whilst i was there I had my photo taken which is up on the right its my hope that over the weeks i will be able to take a photo so can see my weight loss week by week.

Im really looking forward to next monday when i go for my first proper weigh in and seeing how much i have lost.

Thanks for reading

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Day One - 29th April

Well I have started on the Cambridge Diet Today, had a shake first thing (toffee and walnut) whch wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, although seemed to keep the taste in my mouth for ages.
Had my second shake about an hour ago (Chocolate) which was very yummy, having been steadily drinking glasses of water and i had a cup of black tea earlier with tablet sweetners.

Later on im going to have my first cambridge diet soup (Broccoli and Cheese) and to finish off the day my last shake of the day (Vanilla).

Havnt really felt hungry today yet although do get a twinge everytime i go in to the kitchen, i have lost count the times i have had to go the bathroom already today.

feeling fairly mellow although i did get very cross earlier as my neigbours are in the garden having a BBQ using my BBQ and they didnt ask first, and although the garden is communal its me who went and brought a lawn mower, strimmer and the plants etc and its me who looks after the garden GRRRRR. I think they have got the messsage about using my BBQ in future.

As of starting today i weigh 17 stone 11lbs im looking to get down to just above my ideal weight of 14 stone and a healthy BMI of 25, trouser size 42/44 at the moment hoping to get down to a 36.

Friday, 27 April 2007

27th April 2007 - 3 Days Before I Start Cambridge

Today is Friday and you may have read earlier pay day, plus im off, more importantly 3 days before I start CD and the day I Met My CDC.
Im Terrified, I have been shopping today brought myself some scales, and my starting weight is 8lb lower than i thought so that was a good start to the day. (17stone 11lb)
I have also brought myself a hand blender £5 in woolworths, foulnd one in asda £3.74 Doh, I have also brougght some ice traus for nice cold shakes in the hot weather, a 3 litre water filter that i hope to empty at least once a day on top of the water i use to make my soups and shakes.A new toothbrush couldnt find any listerine breath strips though.I picked up my first week supplys of soups and shakes this morning 3 shakes a day and one soup, although no mix a mousse, or tetras.
On Monday the day im start im going to see my cdc again to pick up week 2 supplies so hopefully can get some tetras then.It was very sureal walking around asda tonights and not buying anything to eat, when i got i must admit i panicked a bit, I have commited myself to this for the next 4 weeks, i dont have money to buy food now if i do fail, not that i have any doubt i will, but as a natrual born worrier all i can say is yes im worried , im also very excited excited that tommorow is the last time, my kids will see a fat flumpy dad, and that in 4 weeks time when i next go up, there will be less of me, and i will be a less fat dad.
Once again thanks all the guys at minimins that have been here with the tooth ache and the coffee withdrawl , its been much appreciated, i havnt even had a cup of tea today, its all been water.
Hope this helps some someone else who has just started or is thinking of starting.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

The Trip to The Dentist

Well i went back to the dentist today, to have the tooth thats been playing me up taken out, had another broken tooth taken out at the same time.

Am feeling a bit sorry for myself as i cant have any hot drinks and cant really eat as too big holes in my jaw. Hopefully these will have settled down a bit tommorow and i will be able to have something to eat. In the mean time still taking the antibiotics and the pain killers with water.

Tommorow I get to meet my CDC (Cambridge Diet Councilor) and get weighed and measured along with picking up my first weeks worth of supplies, with having two teth out today could do with having a shake now.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

5 Days Untill I Start CD Part 2

Well not long got in from work, i have had worse nights , i have been bored all night have been sat on my bum spare

Somehow i have aquired the nick name Elvis and when some one is being impolite its FAT ELVIS i know its only harmless banter but sometimes it gets a bit personal, this has not been helped that someone i told about going on what not to wear, has let slip, so have had countless people asking is it right your going on tv snigger snigger etc. It dosnt help that my hair is devolping a life of its own as its long overdue to be cut, but because i might be going on what not to wear cant get it cut.

On top of everything my tooth hurts roll on tommorow.

5 Days Untill I Start CD

I have just spoken to my CDC (Cambridge Diet Councilor) im so excited cant wait, have just ordered what im going to be having for my first week looks like im going to be mailnly living on shakes, chocolate, mintchoc, toffee and walnut, banana and im going to risk some vanilla and also some summer fruits, for soups im going for 1 a day not always easy when at work to mix things up, so im going to try chicken and vegetable, brocalli and whatever and i cant remeber the other one doh.
I did speak to her last week and i had a few nagging doubts, a £173.00 is a lot of money to hand over to a complete stranger (im paying for 4 weeks up front so i have to stick too it) but feel much better after talking to her again today, was nice to know if there is a particular flavour soup or shake i dont like she will happily swap it, and i appreciate the cdc's do stock the extras but was nice that she wasnt trying to ram them down my throat so to speak.

I have almost depleted the food in the frezzer still have lots of chicken dippers and am planning a chicken curry tommorow (my last curry for a while),

My tooth is startingto hurt less the antibiotics are starting to kick in, the dentist says the tooth cant be saved as a third of its missing so having it pulled tommorow.

I still havnt haerd from What Not To Wear so unless i hear otherwise going to assume i havnt made it through to the next bit.

As always thanks for reading.


Monday, 23 April 2007

A Trip To The Dentist Nearly

That was scary, I rang up the dentist this morning as i have been suffering with pain for a couple of weeks now, i think i actually got through to the actual dentist, he didnt sound too amused,
I told him i think im getting an abcess, and he wanted me to go round today, but i persuaded him that tommorow would be fine, i need a day to work myself up into a state.
So here's to toomorrow and a trip to my new dentist.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Feeling Crap Still A Week Before I Start CD

Well today is Sunday, i have been feeling fairly crap over the last few days, its a week before payday and i have run out of milk and coffee, so am defintley not drinking any coffee at the moment have had to resort to drinking black tea with sugar which has helped to keep the caffiene withdrawl at bay a bit.

I have had a stinking headache for the last few days that i attributed to caffiene, which hasnt been helped by a bad tooth, think im getting an abcess. luckily enough i scraped together enough loose change to get some pain killers which are helping.

Last night at work was stressfull, worked a very busy train up to London. Had some very rowdy foot ball supporters on the train, so plenty of chants of you fat bastard etc., people smoking on the train, people complaining about the noise etc.

Got up to london and then worked back to Bournemouth group of young ladies that were worse for wear kept me on my toes, at one point thought there was going to be an all out cat fight.

Got home and chilled out on the web and ate my way through 6 plain beefburgers griddled on the george forman, low carb i hope....

Then to bed and attempted to sleep, if i got up once i got up a dozen times pain killers, toilet, water, toilet, my tooth hurts, the radio is doing my head in, toilet.

Awake at 7.30 cats want feeding tooth hurts, pain killers

8.30 bath time a wonderfull soak in the bath feeeling better

This morning has been good have had 2 cups of tea i even got dressed and went and got some ibuprofen which has greatly improved my tooth, and have been on minimins so now am starting to feel ready to face the world again .


Friday, 20 April 2007

Oh My Head

My Head is killing me, im determined im going to start Cambridge diet on the 29th of this month and as part of the preperation for this I have been cutting down on my coffee intake, as a result of this have have a headache for last 4 days, went to bed with it last night and have woken up with it again this morning although this morning it feels 10 times worse.
I have gone from drinking 5+ cups of coffee a day to just 1 or 2.
Have just made my self a coffee so hopefully this will help, and as normal have no pain killers in the house when i need them.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

What Not to Wear

On Tuesday i had the privilage of going up to london for an audition and filming for the what not to wear programme, so thought i would share my experiance.

It all started a few weeks a go when i recieved an email from one of the dating sites im regeistred on, the BBC and not what to wear team looking for men who cant find a steady relationship and habe no fashion sense, so as much as i hate to admit it thats me, if it fits i will wear it not really bothred with what it looks like as long as it comfortable, so with this in mind i put myself forward.

A few days later i receieved a phone call from one of the What Not To Wear team which got into the nitty gritty of my circumsatances and lack of fashion sense.
As a result of this call got invited up to London to the next stage.

I arrivedd in London at 7.30 am after getting on the train at 5.15 am having only finished work 4 hours earlier, and made my way acrross london to Holborn where the days events were taking place.

I registred at 8.15 had 2 poloroids taken then tucked into a large black coffee and a couple of bite size danish pastries (Not On Any Diet Yet).
Folowing this got ushred into a room with 54 other hopefulls and then one by one taken to another room for a dairy cam "Hi i'm Martin £7 years Old Blah Blah Blah", then back to sitting around a bit.

About an hour later we walked to The House and we were filmed walking to the house and back from the house and entering the house and leaving the house several times.
We finaaly got into the house and met Mica Paris And Lisa Butler the hosts and where split into to groups for the party scenes.

All i can say is it the weirdest party i have been to no music, no women, no alcohol and no food.

We were filmed making polite chit chat and mingling and every now and then a camera would be stuck in your face, we were all interveied on film by either Lisa Or Mica and asked What On Earth Is That Your Wearing or in some cases not wearing.

So all in all a different sort of experiance i should find out in the next week if i make it through to the final 10 then 5 Then 1. As it stands i can say i dont think i will get through the next stage, I came to realise there are people out there with a lot problems that i have not got, fashion wise, weight wise, and lifewise.

Watch This Space And What Not To Wear...........


Hi All

I came across a great website where i have managed to get a lot of info and support i have decided that im definatley going to do this.

I have spokem to my CDC and D Day to Start CD is 29th of April, Im going to meet her a week friday and have my weigh in etc for starting the plan.

At the moment Im 6ft2 and weigh about 18 1/2 Stone im looking to get down to my ideal weight of just below 14 Stone and hopefully into a size 36 waist trousers as opposed to the 42/44 that i am now.

Over the last few days i have been coniously thinking about what i have been eating and drinking i have increased my water intake from virtually 0 to 4 litres yesterday and my coffee intake down from lots to just 3 cups.

Im looking forward to starting CD but more importantly looking forward to the 2 weeks in july and august when my kids come down to stay in bournemouth with me next, next time i take them down the beach i dont want to be some sad fat guy with his kids.

Once again thanks to minimins i have some real hope of changing for the better in fact i think the change has already started.
