Blue Moon Countdown

Thursday, 28 June 2007

28th June 2007

Well its a week before my 38th Birthday and its been an intresting couple of weeks, last week i had a run in with a reporter from the times see my last blog entry for that.

This week im working early shifts at work so generally starting work around 4am on Monday i was nearly 2 hours late it was a long weekend, went up to see my children over the weekend, and had some friends to stay over the weekend, so all in all lack of sleep and stress has generally taken its toll, fortunatley I have managed to catch up on some sleep and It will soon be sunday my day off.

Heres to the rain stopping.


1 comment:

xdorset daisyx said...

glad you getting back to normal. I have had the same sort of week and off out on the town tomorrow night as it was my birthday yesterday . Hope u have a good birthday if i dont speak to u before