Blue Moon Countdown

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Another Catch Up Kites And Diet.

I will apolagis ei havnt been as good at writing my blog as i should have been over the last few weeks so here is another catch up.

Pleased to say my neck is feeling better and i managed to catch up on all my washing, have been to busy working and going out kiting, I met a friend for coffee Monday morning and i was naughty i had a Cappachino, without sugar i must add just sweetneer, my treat to myself to getting in the 15 stone something mark.

I went kiting down at Baiter park in poole yet again, i remebered to take the sun tan lotion and my hat, I met a friend from work and we flew Kites ranging from the Oh my god 5m to the ickle 1.8 of mine somewhere in between was his 3m 2 line kite that he lovingly refers to as the bitch, which gave me a through going over, I fanally felt comfortable with a 4M blaze kite that is a 4 line, it has enough pull to drag me acroos the ground and i very much respect this kite, it safley tucked away in iots bag waiting for me to get some kite killers which are saftey devices, to stop me killing myself or anyone else, in the mean time i will be sticking to the smaller kites i have.

On the diet front i weighed myself yesterday morning almost 2 stone lighter since i started the diet 6 weeks ago, I went to weigh in with my CDC in the evening and picked up my supplies for next two weeks, and i got weighed, according to my cdc's scales i was 6lb heaver than i was in the morning but bear in mind i was fully clothed and i had, had my shakes and most of my water intake for the day 1 litre of water = 2.2lb.

Today i have been bored sensless at work I was a spare guard that had to sit at Southampton with the spare train, but no spare driver for over 6 hours fortunatley i had a book and my mp3 player, must admit i shouldnt moan as not many jobs you get paid for sitting on your bum for 6 hours.

Anyways thats about me done thanks for reading.


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